Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year, New Start, New Promise

Sorry guys......
I WAS too busy and I AM too lazy to not type this blog.
One thing has to tell u is "I fu*king miss this blog"
But once u dump sth for long time, it's just so hard to pick it up again...
As it's the new year now, 2011, I should make some changes!

First, Happy new year for all of u.
Second, wt's my plan for change?

U know, I just can't register an account here but leave it alone...
It's a NEW YEAR, so i want a New START and there's a NEW PROMISE,
which is,
type more here!!!
In the coming 24 hours, I promise u there will be serveral posts (more than 4).
This is my 1st promise in 2011.
And there will be more and more through the whole year.
I know I can't make it except u guys support.

Come regularly and feel free to comment.
I do have a lot have things to share with u...


tai said...

here a fd to give u support :)

Accrehab said...

Thank you so much!!!
At least someone is reading my blog lol